Grupo Energia Bogota (GEB) ISO 55000 Corporate Transformation
Grupo Energia Bogota (GEB) is a public utility corporation with more than 125 years of history.
The Woodhouse Partnership joins the RSK Group

Our asset management training, education and consulting services have been in rapidly growing demand, worldwide, and we have been seeking the best way of scaling up while maintaining our unrivaled standards, culture and collaborative style of working.
Taking you beyond the maturity level of competent

As Project Director for the Institute of Asset Management (IAM), John Woodhouse, and colleagues, has been building on the existing IAM knowledge base on how to assess Asset Management Maturity, beyond the level of competence.
We all know that radical change is needed

…Sir David Attenborough has said so (along with worldwide scientific consensus). The next 10 years have been described as the “Decisive Decade”. What we choose to do, or not do, in the next few years will have global consequences for centuries or millennia to come.
Mutual Energy achieve Global Standard for Asset Management through ISO 55001 certification

Mutual Energy has been recognised for effective asset management of critical infrastructure by achieving ISO 55001 certification.

Watch our contribution in The Institute of Asset Management (IAM) and ITN Productions Industry News programme Planning for the Long Term, exploring the vital role of whole life management of physical assets and how to increase the value they provide to society and the economy.
“…you’re working with leaders…”

Genéne Kleppe, CEO of Digital Twinning Australia was asked, by our client, to share her experience of selecting Strategic Asset Management tools and market research conducted before engaging The Woodhouse Partnership and Decision Support Tools.
A Woodhouse Academy e o IAM lançam o curso de criação e manutenção de um plano estratégico de gerenciamento de ativos (SAMP).

Nosso novo curso SAMP oferece uma abordagem prática e pragmática para o desenvolvimento de estratégias eficazes para gerenciamento de ativos e como pode ser desenvolvido para ser específico da organização.
Um trocador de calor envelhecido deve ser substituído? Em caso afirmativo, quando e com qual nova opção de design?

Este estudo foi encomendado para determinar o caso de negócios para re-tubing e para avaliar os benefícios de custo do ciclo de vida de materiais alternativos.
Perceber um valor significativo para a empresa e para os clientes

David Curtis, Diretor, Gerenciamento de Talentos de Engenharia da Hydro One nos fala sobre sua experiência com a parceria Woodhouse e os benefícios de refinar suas práticas de gerenciamento de ativos.